Skviggle Consulting

My name is Matt Herdon, I’m a product manager and marketer, having cut my teeth as a sales engineer and IT guy. Welcome to my consulting firm, Skviggle.

After much heel dragging, I've picked a host, got a CMS, grabbed a template, and messed around in Illustrator for bit to crank out a logo. With a little more tweaking, here's, presenting my product management services, alongside event write-ups, thoughts and resources.

My motive?
The deep satisfaction to be had from being part of startups making the transition from the early crazy days to something more sane. Skviggle is a way for growing companies to gain product management value at a really important time in their growth.

Your motive?
Get enough product management at an affordable price early enough that it increases your odds for success. We’ll investigate and initiate scalable product management practices in your company. By the time we're done, tools will be in place, and you'll have a clear idea of where you can take things next. You also take advantage of the other side of my brain for creating messaging, collateral, case studies, white papers, etc.

Kick things off with a free, two hour product management review to uncover the possibilities.

Ready to grow?

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